Alain Web-creator
29 journées depuis
Wahala wahala wahala in portable’s voice...
Please let’s shun violence for #Nigéria is for all of us 🙏🙏🙏. ..

Nigerian Government should just help us and do one thing naw… even if it’s fuel alone. What is all these kwa ????

People are suffering yet they are buying Cars and Private Jets… where is your Conscience 🤲. Wuna No Get Conscience ?? Have they lost their Consciences 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️.

How can we be living like refugees in our own country ??? ….. while on the other hand, the people governing us are also scared to live in a country they are governing !!! This is so disheartening….

If you are in power and you think you are doing the right thing but the majority of the population are hopelessly complaining, can’t you just turn back and check your actions or consciences ????

It is Only in Africa that we can find such level of wickedness and heartlessness among people in thesame region and cultures. God Forbid!!!

I don not support any form of violence, I do not support any form of blackmailing or defamation of anyone’s character…. But please retrace your actions and steps.

We Love our dear Nigeria and Africa should always grow to be peaceful, being grateful 😇 to our leaders while we all live in Love and Unity to enjoy our resources.

We should not be against our Leaders and Our Leaders should also know that they are there because of our actions and interest at large.

Why is it so difficult for the leaders to help their people, or at-least stand for what the people are saying?

If you don’t take care of your people, your people will rise against you.
I feel so sad about this country But God will Never Forsake His People. 🇳🇬🇳🇬🇳🇬
Alain Web-creator
1 mois depuis
🌍🇨🇳Cette ville flotte dans la mer depuis 1300 ans. C'est la seule colonie flottante au monde. Les gens de cette communauté s'appellent Tankas ou Tanka People et ils sont 7000 en nombre.

Parfois, les Chinois 🇨🇳 et les Britanniques 🇬🇧 les appelaient « Tsiganes marins ».

Leurs maisons flottent dans la mer. Ces bateaux sont équipés de salons, de cuisines et de salles de bains. Tout, des mariages aux funérailles, a lieu sur ces bateaux. Toute la vie des gens de la tribu Tanka tourne autour de l'eau et des poissons.

Les gens de cette tribu sont principalement impliqués dans le commerce de la pêche 🎣. Pendant que beaucoup travaillent dans l'industrie du sel, certains plongent dans la mer pour la pêche à la perle 🦪.

On pense que le peuple de Tanka n'a pas mis les pieds sur terre depuis 1300 ans.
Alain Web-creator
1 mois depuis
#health : How* *an* *erection* *occurs*

An erection is the result of increased blood flow into your penis. Sexual thoughts or direct contact with your penis usually stimulate this blood flow.🏥

When a person with a penis is sexually excited, a muscle within the blood vessels in the penis relaxes. This allows for increased blood flow through the penile arteries, filling two chambers inside the penis.

As the chambers fill with blood, the penis grows rigid. Penile veins will constrict to help keep blood in the penis and maintain the erection.

An erection ends when the muscles in the blood vessels constrict and the accumulated blood can flow out through the penile veins.

🛑 What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get or keep an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. It’s sometimes referred to as “impotence,” but this term is now used less often.

ED can occur because of problems at any stage of the erection process, and it can be occasional or frequent:

👉Occasional ED isn’t uncommon. Many people experience it during times of stress or as the result of a recent nutritional or lifestyle change.

👉Frequent ED, however, can be a sign of health problems that need treatment. It can also be a symptom of emotional or relationship difficulties that you may want to address with a professional.

Erectile dysfunction causes

There are many possible causes of ED, and they can include both emotional and physical conditions.

Common physical causes include:

👉cardiovascular disease
👉hypertension, or high blood pressure
👉high cholesterol
👉low testosterone levels or other hormone imbalances
👉kidney disease
👉increased age
relationship problems
👉certain prescription medications, such as those used to treat high blood pressure or depression
👉sleep disorders
drug use
👉consuming too much alcohol
👉liver cirrhosis
👉using tobacco products
👉Parkinson’s disease
👉multiple sclerosis
Alain Web-creator
2 mois depuis
🌟 Talent is Everywhere, But Opportunities Are Not 🌍
At just 16 years old, Lamine Yamal is amazing people worldwide with his skills!

⚽🎉 the youngest scorer in Euro's history, has both parents from Africa. His mother is from Equatorial Guinea 🇬🇶 and his father is from #morocco . He was eligible to represent both countries, he wears all three flags on his boots. But many kids his age in #africa don’t get the same chance to show what they can do. 😔
In Africa, there aren’t as many chances for kids to grow their talents. There aren’t enough good schools, sports programs, or places where they can learn and practice. Because of this, many talented kids don’t get noticed, and their dreams are put on hold. By the time they get some chances, they’re already much older. ⌛
This shows a sad reality: where you’re born can affect your future. Even though talent is everywhere, opportunities are not. For every #LamineYamal , there are many other talented kids whose abilities stay hidden because they don’t have the right opportunities. 😢
We must change this by creating more chances for young people everywhere to show and develop their skills. This means investing in better education, sports, arts, and other activities. 🎓🏅🎨 By doing this, we can ensure that talented kids everywhere get a chance to shine, no matter where they live. 🌟✨
Do you think if he were in Africa, he would have had the same chances? Look at all the talented players that had to leave Africa before making it...
Alain Web-creator
2 mois depuis
After constructing their own roads by themselves the hardworking people of Nkambe Have opened their own leisure park

Nkambe is the chief town of Donga Mantung division

Moral lesson: Give wimbum man small money and see the developmental projects that will be executed
Alain Web-creator
2 mois depuis

RIHANNA~~Sometime ago last year my team and I were looking for a good songwriter who could work together with me on a project, a lot of people suggested I work with some Grammy award wining songwriters but I wanted to try someone who is new to the music world so I was scrolling down on Instagram and came across a song by “OMAH LAY” and it really shocked me there’s an artist in Africa like him and the world don’t know about him yet….Africans are naturally so talented but I feel like they don’t support their creators that much that’s why an artist like Omah Lay is still struggling to have a song that can win him some big awards and international recognition…..one thing I love about the guy is that he’s not too money minded I wish he becomes a global superstar real fast..

Rihanna who is known as the queen of pop music reveal that Omah lay is that one artist who is really talented but people (NIGERIANS) are not supporting him enough.

Please follow:Afro Vibes Africa

#STA #StarsEverywhere #Omahlay #Afrobeats
Alain Web-creator
2 mois depuis
Félicitations au digne successeur #Ezaboto officiel le brave #EzaDanger le comédien qui a obtenu son Probatoire.😍👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿

En marge de sa passion pour le Cinéma comme son père, ce jeune Acteur et Créateur de contenu n'a jusqu'ici jamais échoué une classe encore moins un examen.☺️👍🏿
Alain Web-creator
2 mois depuis
[ INTERVIEW ] Au micro de la BBC, Janet_Jackson a balancé certaines vérités sur la chanson "SCREAM" en featuring avec son frère Michael Jackson #History_Album : « Michael et moi avons écrit cette chanson à New York, dans son appartement. Donc, je revis tout ce voyage, je l'écoute chanter et je me souviens de ce qu'il traversait à ce moment-là. Et je suis juste sa petite sœur, toujours à ses côtés et je suis son soutien. Cela a toujours été mon rôle », se souvient-elle à la BBC.

Sortie en 1995, peu de temps après que Michael ait réglé un procès en 1994 qui l'accusait d'avoir abusé d'un enfant, selon New York Times.

Et rappelons que, la chanson elle-même faisait allusion à grande partie des difficultés auxquelles le King de la Pop était confronté à cette époque, entre autres, ses luttes avec la céébrité, le harcèlement public et les tabloïds sur sa vie: « Je suis fatigué de l'injustice », disait-il. « Je suis fatigué des stratagèmes, vos mensonges sont dégoûtants », ajouta-t-il.

« C'est souffrant » se souvient la chanteuse « Michael tournait la nuit et moi le jour. Sa maison de disques bloquait tout son plateau pour que je ne puisse pas voir ce qui se passait. Ils ne voulaient pas que je sois sur le plateau. J'avais l'impression qu'ils essayaient de créer une compétition entre nous deux. Cela m'a vraiment blessée, parce que j'avais l'impression d'être là pour me battre avec lui. Pas pour me battre contre lui. Je voulais que ça ressemble au bon vieux temps entre lui et moi, mais ça n'a pas été le cas. Le bon vieux temps était révolu depuis longtemps », a confié Janet à la BBC.


- 1995, Cinquième dans le Top 100 Billboard Hot ( la chanson a occupait la 5e position dans le classement pendant 17 semaines ).

- 1 Grammy Awards en 1996 (meilleur clip vidéo)

- 11 nominations aux MTV Video Music Awards.


- Australia: Or / 35.000 EQ.VENTES
- New Zealand: Or / 50 000 EQ.VENTES
- United Kingdom: Sliver / 200 000 EQ.VENTES
- United States: Platinum / 1 000 000 EQ.VENTES.

#Quad_Rec #People
Alain Web-creator
3 mois depuis
Maa Jacky vient de mettre sur pied sa marque de liquide vaisselle qu'il a baptisé VIDAL ÉCLAT.

Ce produit est déjà disponible à Yaoundé et Douala.

Félicitations à lui.👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿💚❤️💛💚❤️💛💚❤️💛💚❤️💛💚❤️💛
Alain Web-creator
3 mois depuis
Google Translate just had its biggest update ever, adding 110 new languages including 25 African languages. This will allow over 600 million people to communicate and access information easier. AI played a big role in making this update possible. Which African languages do you think will be there?

https://buff.ly/4buv3eX #Google
Alain Web-creator
3 mois depuis
Tourism in Cameroon! 🇨🇲
The #Foumban Palace is one of the most visited places here is why the Foumban prestigious cultural palace outstands as one of the best palaces in Cameroon when it comes to cultural tourism in the country.
The palace still has in place its preserved values, and cultural dignity till date. Most tourist do travel to Cameroon just to visit the Foumban palace. The palace is located about 200kilomatres from the capital city of the west region, Bafoussam. Different types of crafts could be found in this palace. Most of them are quite old and attractive, reasons why tourists love visiting there. The entrance of the palace has been beautified with beautiful statuses of different animals such as elephants, tigers, lions, etc. These statuses represent the history of the people of Foumban. Many other crafts could be found in the palace Meseum, it is such an amazing place to visit, they have got almost everything relating to the culture of their people in this Meseum (CRTV 2010.)

The Foumban palace has a long history of welcoming tourists, due to its generational regards the indigenes have for their culture and craft. The sultan of Foumban, his Royal Majesty Njoya, has always been making it a culture for his subjects to always have an annual cultural festival where their cultural values could be show-cased. This in return attracts more and more tourists all over the world. The Foumban palace arena has one of the most beautiful museums in Cameroon. In this museum one will find beautiful crafts and very old statuses that have been for generations. According to the prince of Foumban on a recent interview on the national television, he made it known that, a people without their ancestral and cultural values really cannot say they have a culture, reason why they have been protecting theirs for generation after generation. He added, he is perhaps the 4th generation prince of the Foumban palace, but the statuses of his forefathers could still be found in the palace, whereas that of other palaces have been sold to researchers (Njoya 2020.)
Twitbook 24 Social
3 mois depuis
🔴 At least three people lost their lives and many were injured in another road accident this afternoon. 😔 The deceased were all passengers of a bus from the intercity transport agency Trésor Voyages. The accident occurred in Nteingué, specifically at the location known as the Plantain Market.
#Accident #Cameroon
Alain Web-creator
3 mois depuis
🫶Happy International Reggae Day Rastafari🫶

History on the International Reggae Day 💚💛❤️
Andrea Davis of Jamaica Arts Holdings founded International Reggae Day. Her 1991 visit to Kingston inspired her to start the annual event. During Davis’ visit, she heard a speech made by the South African leader, Winnie Mandela. He discussed the impact reggae music had as people in South Africa fought for equal rights during Apartheid. The first International Reggae Day was held on July 1st, 1994.

July 1 celebrates International Reggae Day on the National Day Calendar. This National Day celebrates reggae culture and its influence on Jamaican music.

Reggae developed in the 1960s and evolved into a popular style of music. With its roots in Jamaica, Reggae music is an integral part of the Jamaican culture. It is a mix of rhythm & blues, calypso, African, and Latin American music.

July 1 celebrates International Reggae Day on the National Day Calendar. This National Day celebrates reggae culture and its influence on Jamaican music.

A heavy four-beat rhythm characterizes reggae music. These beats are carried out by drums, congas, bass guitars, and electric guitars. Another popular instrument in reggae music is the scraper. A scraper is a corrugated stick that the musician rubs with a plain stick.

By the 1970s, reggae music became known around the world. The style of music was especially popular in the United States, Great Britain, and Africa. Many people say that reggae music serves as a voice for the oppressed.

Some of the greatest reggae songs of all time include:

“No Woman, No Cry” by Bob Marley and the Wailers
“Funky Kingston” by Toots & the Maytals
“Montego Bay” by Freddie Notes & the Rudies
“Many Rivers to Cross” by Jimmy Cliff
“The Tide is High” by the Paragons
“Red Red Wine” by UB40
“I Shot the Sherriff” by Bob Marley and the Wailers
“Revolution” by Dennis Brown
“Love is My Religion” by Ziggy Marley
“Hold Me Tight” by Johnny Nash
Bob Marley and the Wailers are considered the most iconic reggae artists ever and are credited for bringing reggae music to the international stage.

Every year on July 1, Kinston, Jamaica, hosts the International Reggae Festival. Around the world, cities also hold Reggae concerts in celebration of the day. Some of these cities include The Bahamas, South Africa, Kenya, Brazil, the United Kingdom, and Columbia.

Don’t despair if no reggae concerts are in your area on this day, you can still participate. Listen to reggae music. Search for reggae videos online. Watch a documentary, such as Reggae: The Story of Jamaican Music or Roots, Reggae, Rebellion.

Share your favorite reggae song in the comment below and share this post so that everyone can feel this wonderful Reggae rhythm today.

Jah Bless Rastafari
One Love 🇯🇲💚💛❤️🇯🇲
Alain Web-creator
3 mois depuis
Elle s'appelle AISHATOU BOBO et elle est la deuxième dauphine MISS CAMEROUN 2024.👑
#miss #Adamaoua 💚❤️💛💚❤️💛💚❤️💛💚❤️💛💚❤️💛💚❤️💛
Alain Web-creator
3 mois depuis
Le sosie de Michael Jackson en séjour en Côte d'Ivoire. 🇨🇮

Il y est à l’initiative de la fondation Michael Jackson et la mutuelle des originaires de Krindjabo qui le feront visiter Krindjabo demain mardi jour de commémoration du décès du Roi de la Pop.

Rappelons que l'icône mondiale Michael Jackson est décédée le 25 Juin 2009.
Alain Web-creator
3 mois depuis
🔶 PEOPLE / Le manager de Davido & Fally Ipupa, chargé de retrouver MC Baba 🇨🇬 : la demande de Lil Duval 🇺🇸

« Efe One, peux-tu m’aider à retrouver ce gars ? Je peux le trouver le visa et l’inviter pour le Duval Day prévu le 13 juillet », a posté le comédien américain sur Instagram, en affichant deux extraits vidéos du rappeur muet congolais à la #BASERON .
Alain Web-creator
3 mois depuis
Quand Ni John Fru Ndi (le feu fondateur du #SDF , 1er parti d'opposition de l'histoire du Cameroun) souriait encore .
Power to the People !

L’oubli est la ruse du diable !
Rat des archives
Alain Web-creator
4 mois depuis
Discover Cape Verde (cap vert) 🇨🇻 , A Nation Of Less Than A Million Population

Cape Verde, an archipelago off West Africa's coast, is a hidden gem waiting to be explored. Here are some key facts about this fascinating country:

- Location : Cape Verde is situated in the Atlantic Ocean, approximately 350 miles off the coast of Senegal.

- Language : The official language is Portuguese, but Cape Verdean Creole and African languages are also spoken.

- History : Cape Verde was a Portuguese colony until 1975, when it gained independence.

- Economy : The country's economy is driven by tourism, fishing, and services.

- Culture : Cape Verdean culture is a unique blend of African, Portuguese, and Brazilian influences.

- Landscapes : The islands boast stunning beaches, mountains, and volcanoes.

- Capital : Praia is the capital and largest city.

- Population : Approximately 550,000 people call Cape Verde home.

- Currency : The Cape Verdean escudo (CVE) is the local currency, with an exchange rate of approximately 1 USD = 90 CVE.
Alain Web-creator
4 mois depuis
La belle Comédienne camerounaise Qũęėncÿ Bręēzÿ pose fièrement pour annoncer la venue au monde de son bébé.🥰

Dans son post y relatif, on peut lire :
"C'est avec beaucoup d'émotions et le cœur rempli de joie que je vous annonce l'arrivée de mon bébé. J'ignorais que l'on pouvait ressentir autant d'amour pour un être que l'on n'a pas encore rencontré..."

Nous lui souhaitons une bonne maternité.🤰🏿🥰
Alain Web-creator
4 mois depuis
Au pays en ce moment, l'international Camerounais BRYAN MBEUMO qui est dans le viseur du club Liverpool et bien d'autres, n'a pas manqué d'aller montrer son soutien aux joueurs du club Aigle Royal de la Menoua.💚❤️💛👏🏿
Alain Web-creator
4 mois depuis


📌Cathy NGO MBELEL, ancienne élève du lycée Classique d'Edea, est partie de son MBANDA JAMAÏQUE natal, passionnée et professionnelle du handball pour toucher le sommet aujourd'hui avec les lionnes indomptables de CRICKET. Elle est actuellement à Kigali au RWANDA avec les autres compatriotes pour participer au tournoi féminin de l'open T20 de cricket 🏏 qui débute demain 30 mai pour nos LIONNES INDOMPTABLES avec une rencontre contre le pays hôte le Rwanda.

🇨🇲 Il n'y a pas que le football dans ce pays, nous voici aussi assis ici.
🗳️Allez vous inscrire à #Elecam , l'agence d'Edea est située avant le club ENEO sur la rue de la CUE. 2025. C'est maintenant.

#SanagaMaritime #Edea #Zeromalheur #sanamarfm #People #cricket #Rwanda
0⃣Malheur | j'aime ma ville, je contribue®️
Alain Web-creator
4 mois depuis

Do you stick to your boyfriend, despite the rough times in their lives ?

Jean Lobe Lobe and Nat Disa are an exemplary couple who have been resilient and committed towards achieving their goals together.

Jean Lobe Lobe is the founder of Waspito, Africa's biggest health app that has received over $3 million of seed funding. He also owns Heptic Records.

His dreams were achieved thanks to his supportive partner who has stood by him unwaveringly for over two decades.

Jean Lobe Lobe has been passionate about music since childhood. He was renowned in Kumba for his stunning break dance moves and his unswerving love for rap music.

His wife Nat Disa stood by him unswervingly, despite the negative impression people had about rappers in the 2000s. She knew he was career-oriented and focused.

Even when life threw curve balls, she believed in his dreams.

After graduating, Jean Lobe Lobe had to work hard to gain financial poise. He worked with Union Bank, Audit and Accounting Corporation (AUDICO), CAMAIR-CO, West Africa Markets and British American Tobacco.

After all these exploits, Jean Lobe Lobe launched Heptic Records in Douala; a realization of his lifelong ambition.

Today, Jean Lobe Lobe has constructed a multimillion mansion in Bonamoussadi, which was opened as he turned 40.

He is proud to celebrate this moment with his wife, family and friends.

Alain Web-creator
4 mois depuis
#Promozik TV: 🔴 CARRÉ PEOPLE ⭐
Pour un Chanteur, c'est toujours un bonheur sans fin que de voir sa chanson tant aimée par des enfants.🥰

Lily House a beaucoup de chance de vivre ces moments avec ces enfants qui ont validé son titre "A NYAMBÈ".

👁️👉🏿Un titre à écouter matin midi soir.🥰👇🏿#LilyHouse
Alain Web-creator
4 mois depuis
Même sans filtre, Muriel Blanche LEUMENI est toujours craquante et croquante ! 👌🏿🥰💚❤️💛💚❤️💛
Alain Web-creator
4 mois depuis
Rosine Nguemgaing est fière d'avoir partagé un plateau avec la belle actrice Nigériane d'origine Camerounaise Prisma James qui compte à son actif plus de 100 films en seulement 3 ans de carrière professionnelle à Nollywood.
Alain Web-creator
4 mois depuis
🇨🇲 237 Tremendous Development

Fotouni's Rich Culture, people and heritage

Fotouni's story is exhilarating and fierce, made up of wars, superhuman efforts, blood, sweat and tears that have left their indelible marks on its indegenous people. The term "fotouni" is of warlike origin;

This testifies to the history of the sons of this village which has continued to be inscribed in letters of fire and violence.

The name Fotouni is very recent and dates from 1909. Indeed, when a German army lieutenant during a trip to Dschang stopped at current Fotouni, he asked the name, he was told: "Petouni".

This term which can have two meanings: either those who cut off their heads to allude to the various wars during which the weapons used were above all the spears and machetes;

Either "those who descended by the head" that is to say from the top.

Indeed, the indegens of Fotouni descended from the mountains to occupy the southern part.

In one way or another, this expression has become in its evolutions Batouni and later Fotouni.

#Cameroun #culturalheritage #foutouni #WestCameroon #trendingincameroon
La'akam News Magazine
Alain Web-creator
4 mois depuis
🚨#Cameroun -#ActuPeople
Le chanteur #Locko premier africain à donner le coup d'envoi de L’Euro NASCAR 2024🇨🇲
👉👉C’est une compétition automobile mettant en présence des voitures de catégorie stock-cars.

LItalie, a donc honoré le célèbre chanteur africain en lui permettant de donncer ce coup d’envoi emblématique.
#Afrique #Actualites #Media2Africa #EuroNASCAR
Alain Web-creator
4 mois depuis
L'Etat Camerounais a aussi reconnu le mérite de Zack des Zack et lui a décerné le titre de CHEVALIER DE L'ORDRE DU MÉRITE CAMEROUNAIS hier jour de fête de l'unité nationale.🥰

Félicitations à la comédienne #Zackougla (Rose Swoua Happy, de son véritable nom) .👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿💚❤️💛💚❤️💛💚❤️💛💚❤️💛💚❤️💛💚❤️💛
Alain Web-creator
4 mois depuis
On dit bien que les chats ne font pas des chiens.🥰👍🏾
La dernière fille de Petit Pays avec MARIA qui s'appelle Marie-Sarah Officiel, a décidé de suivre la voie de son père en embrassant une carrière musicale.☺️👍🏾

Et le moins qu'on puisse dire, c'est bien qu'elle a tout pour faire une carrière rayonnante autant que son père au vu de son immense talent qui lui a même déjà valu un passage dans la mythique émission TARATATA sur France 2.

Nous vous invitons du coup à découvrir son titre "Hold me" pour vous convaincre de son talent.🥰👏🏿💚❤️💛💚❤️💛💚❤️💛💚❤️💛💚❤️💛

Lien en commentaire 👁️👇🏿
Alain Web-creator
4 mois depuis
Le très jeune Roi de 11 ans du groupement Fotetsa (Ouest Cameroun) à la place des fêtes de Dschang à l'occasion de la 52è édition de la célébration de la fête de l'unité nationale.

À titre d'information, Il a hérité du trône de son défunt père Sa Majesté Djouatsa II Mariveau l'année dernière.

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