Alain Web-creator
3 mois depuis
Cameroun 🇨🇲 : Ce couple a investi 85 millions de FCFA dans une usine de Café. Ils produisent la matière première puis transforment sur place.

Leur marque de café 100% made in Cameroun Terrific Coffee est aujourd'hui très populaire au Cameroun. Félicitations pour l'acropole.

Un exemple à suivre ! Bravo encore au couple 🎉💪
#CEMAC #MadeinCameroun #Agriculture #café #Cameroun #terrificCoffee #camerounaise #cacaocafé #farm
Alain Web-creator
4 mois depuis

1. Mauvais choix de variété :

Choisir la bonne variété est le premier pas vers le succès.

Lorsque vous choisissez la variété, soyez guidé par,
- La demande du marché
-Demande de taille des fruits
-Période d'échéance
-Torelant aux ravageurs et aux maladies
-Région grandi

2. Défaut de durcir les semis de tomates : le durcissement permet aux semis de plantes de s'adapter aux changements de température ou à l'exposition à des conditions météorologiques difficiles

3. Planter des tomates aux mauvais endroits :
Bien qu'il y ait beaucoup d'endroits où vous pouvez faire pousser des tomates, tous ne sont pas idéaux. Examinez les aspects du climat et des conditions du sol.

Différentes variétés sont adoptées selon des conditions de sol et climatiques différentes. Certains sont adoptés dans des conditions chaudes et d'autres dans des conditions froides et

4. Irrigation incorrecte de la tomate :
La gestion de l'eau est très vitale. L'arrosage incohérent des tomates peut conduire à
Beaucoup de choses, parmi elles :
- mauvaise croissance des récoltes.
-pauvres fleurs et fruits mis en place
-avortement de fleurs et de fruits

- Carence en calcium, qui provoque la pourriture des fleurs et la fendage des fruits. Élaborer un calendrier d'arrosage cohérent qui assure aux plantes suffisamment d'humidité pour soutenir leur croissance.

5. Appliquer trop d'engrais azotés : l'application d'azote sur la plante de tomate peut augmenter considérablement le rendement. Cependant, trop de ces feuilles peuvent amener les plantes à consacrer plus d'énergie à la croissance des feuilles.

6. Incapable d'identifier les ravageurs et les maladies.
Les connaissances sur l'identification des ravageurs et des maladies sont essentielles pour tous les producteurs de tomates. Cela vous permet de savoir quoi soigner et à quel moment.

©Shina farm
Alain Web-creator
4 mois depuis
Milliardaire grâce au piment en Afrique ❤️
Voici l'histoire passionnante d'un jeune ambitieux Rwandais 🇷🇼 du nom de DIEGO DIEUDONNÉ TWAHIRWA.

Il est à la tête de Gashora farm qui est une entreprise de production et de transformation du piment.
C'est la plus grande entreprise d'exportation de piment du #Rwanda . Il commercialise le piment frais, séché, l'huile du piment et la pâte de piment.
Ingénieur Agronome de formation, DIEGO Dieudonné démissionne de son emploi en 2013 pour créer sa propre ferme. Il a commencé avec la culture du tomate, la pastèque et la courge.
Il possède une plantation de 255 ha de piment et collabore avec un réseau de plus de 1000 petits agriculteurs. Avec ce contrat le piment devient la première exportation agricole du Rwanda.
Félicitations à ce jeune homme. L' Afrique relève la tête.
#Piment #Rwanda #épices #Agriculture
#MadeinAfrica #AgricenterExpress
Alain Web-creator
5 mois depuis
🤯The People of WEH, A Village in the North West Region🇨🇲 now have potentials of writing down their name in the Guinness Book Of World Records!

Yesterday, a farmer pulled out a cocoyam tuber with an estimated length of 1.87Meters making it the tallest cocoyam to ever come out of any farm in the world 🌎! It’s as tall as soccer superstar, Cristiano Ronaldo.

Calling on Weh people to be patient enough and wait for the GWR team to come in and make this record official before they use the cocoyam for Achu 🥣!

Please tag #Guinness World Records when you see this post!

📸 Fortuné Ning
Bigg Jm | Omnnipresent Blogger | Machine
Alain Web-creator
6 mois depuis
George Washington Carver had a difficult start in life. Born sometime around 1864, his father died shortly before George's birth, likely from an accident when he was out hauling wood. And only weeks after birth, slave traders kidnapped George and his mother. Rescued would not be an apt term; recovered is more appropriate. But the group sent out to find him and his mother exchanged a horse for the young boy. His mother, however, was lost to the traders. Less than two months old, and George was already an orphan.

Often sick, frail, he was not expected to live. But live he did, and from a young age, he showed much devotion to work and a desire for learning. He was curious, and as he'd roam the woods near the Carver home, exploring flowers, trees, rocks, and birds, he began asking questions about their purpose.

While much of his education early on was self-motivated, he began formal schooling at ten. He learned of a school about eight miles from the Carver home. And without any money or a new home, he left the Carver's to attend this school, living in an old barn while doing odd jobs to earn money to survive. Eventually, he was adopted into a family there.

Education for George would continue through completing a Master's Degree in agriculture from Iowa State University in 1896. After which, he took a job as Head of the Agricultural Department at the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama.

As an agricultural scientist and inventor, his goal was to help farmers improve their lives by earning more from their crops. He found hundreds of uses through his research of peanuts in particular and other products such as sweet potatoes and pecans. His work was instrumental and impactful. Between 1915 and 1918, acreage for peanut cultivation grew from half a million to over four million acres.

After George passed away in 1943, Franklin D. Roosevelt sent a message that said: "All mankind are the beneficiaries of his discoveries in the field of agricultural chemistry. The things which he achieved in the face of early handicaps will for all time afford an inspiring example to youth everywhere."
Alain Web-creator
11 mois depuis
A Reminder Of Some Of His Achievements!!

- University Of Cape Coast (UCC)
- Ghana National College, Cape Coast
- Mfantsiman Girls' SHS
- Winneba secondary school
- Apam Secondary School
- Swedru Secondary School (SWESCO)
- Fosu Training College
- Ofori Panyin Secondary School
- Techiman Secondary School
- Dormaa Secondary School
- Tema Secondary School
- Oda Secondary School
- Labone Secondary School
- Kwadaso College of Education
- Atebubu Training College
- Berekum Training College
- Enchi Training College

- Turned University College of Gold Coast into University of Ghana (He became their first chancellor)
- Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)
- Institute of African Studies
- Kwame Nkrumah Institute of Economics and Political Science(now south campus of UEW)
- Ajumako School of Languages(now under UEW)
- ***** asi Technical Institute (now a University)
- Accra Polytechnic(now Accra Technical University)
- Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital(previously ***** asi central hospital)
- He made Korle Bu a teaching hospital and expanded its capacity by constructing the Medical, Maternity, Surgical and Child Health blocks
- He established the Ghana Medical School
- He made Medical care free to all citizens
- He established GIHOC pharmaceuticals
- He also built several hospitals and clinics

- Abosso Glass Factory
- Zuarungu Meat Factory
- Wenchi Tomato Factory
- Kade Match Factory
- Akosombo Textiles Limited
- ***** asi Shoe Factory
- Pwalugu Tomato Factory
- Asutuare Sugar Factory
- Komenda Sugar Factory
- ***** asi Jute Factory
-Nsawam Cannery, Brick and Tile Factory
- Tarkwa Bonsa Tyre Factory
- Bolgatanga Meat Processing Factory
- Bolgatanga Rice Mill Factory
- GIHOC Fibre Products Company
- Ghana Black Star Line with almost 15 ships

- Bank of Ghana (BoG)
- Ghana Commercial Bank (GCB)
- Agricultural Development Bank (ADB)
- National Investment Bank (NIB)
- State Insurance Company (SIC)
-Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT)
- Ghana Oil Company (GOIL)
- Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GHAPOHA)
- Tema Oil Refinery (TOR)
- The National Management and Productivity Institute

- Ghana Film Industries, Accra
-Ghana Airways Corporation
- Ghana National Trading Corporation
- Cocoa Marketing Board (COCOBOD)
- Tema Steel Works
- Volta Aluminium Company
- State Housing and Hotel Projects
- Labone Estate
- Kanda Estates
- Osu Ringway Estates
- Airport Residential Area
- Patasi Estate
- Kwadaso Estate
- Buokrom Estates
- North and South Suntreso
- Tema Township(Communities)

- Star Hotel
- Meridian Hotel
- Ambassador Hotel
-Continental Hotel now Golden Tulip Accra
-Atlantic Hotel
- City Hotel Catering Rest Houses now Golden Tulip ***** asi
- Peduase Lodge
- Ghana Film Corporation
- Ghana News Agency
- Ghana Broadcasting Corporation
- Atomic Reactor Station
- Akosombo Dam
- Restructured the British Military base into Accra (now Kotoka) International Airport
- Tema Motorway
- Tema Harbour
- Adomi Bridge
- State Farms and Institutes.

💥 Credits: Odehe Bi

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