Alain Web-creator
It’s God That Helps, By Using Humans To Help Humans. How He Reveals The Future To The Prophets, Is The Same Way He Gave Humans The Knowledge To Motivate Each Other. Who Is The One Who Wants To End His Life Due To Life Setbacks? There’s No Change If You End Your Existence. You Must Remember That If The World Will End In Ten Years, You’re No More A Part Of It. But If You Keep Fighting With Hope, You’ll Exist Till Earth Ends. The Fact That You See Others Successful Now And You’re Still Stuck, Doesn’t Mean You Won’t Also Be Successful In Future. There Are Times And Seasons For Everybody. Same Way There Are Seasons For Planting Some Crops, There Are Also Different Seasons For Harvesting Other Crops Too.

Whatever We Possess, Is For Us Only. Nature Has Seen Your Sleepless Nights, And Has Heard Your Humble Cries. You Have Not Failed Yet, Because Failure Is Non Existent. Where You Are Now, Is The Same Place Others Wish To Be. There Is No Hope For The Dead, Only The Living Has A Future. Success Is Yours, Since You’re Alive. Anytime You Want To Give Up, Remember I’m Not Only Motivating You, But Also Giving You Hope For A Brighter Day Ahead Soon. There’s No Victory, If There’s No War. The Cemetery Is Packed With Skeletons Of The Youth, Who Couldn’t Wait. Wipe Your Tears, Let’s Hold Hands And Let’s Move. A Driver Has To Keep Going Till He Reaches The Destination Of The Passengers. Value Every Living Thing, But Don’t Also Forget That, When The Lion Is Fond Of Patronising The Market, It’ll Be Treated Like A Puppy. Have A Great Weekend. Love Is You!! 🥰
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