Alain Web-creator
"I was giving my baby mama, Shaniqua Tompkîns $500k a year($40k per month) and she said it wasn't enough, so I took myself to côurt and the côurt issued that I should be giving her $6700." 50 Cent

"I dîdn't make money for women and no man should allow woman exploît them. My son's mother was just feeling entitled to my money . I was giving her $500k a year, but she was still expecting more. Then I decided to make her see that I was only doing her a favor. So I took myself to côurt and ręported myself for giving child support way above average. Then it was decided in court that I should only give her $6700 a month and I can't add a penny on that because she can also get a job. Men need to start fîghting against gender înequality too since men and women are all equal. After what she did to me, I decided that I shall never spend more than 50 Cents on a woman ever again."

No woman should depend on a man because everyone can work. Your man's money is not your money💯

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