Alain Web-creator
7 mois depuis
🟢 Adeline Tsopgni Official déclare: 🗣️🗣️
''Au moment où nous atteignons la barre de 3000 abonnés sur cette page 🎉, j'ai été sélectionnée et certifiée influenceuse Web pour la PAIX par la Women's International League for Peace and Freedom branche Cameroun.

Il faut le dire, le contexte est bien choisi.
Nous nous rapprochons d'une phase critique de notre pays marquée par les élections présidentielles et les transitions politiques.
L'expérience nous a montré que pendant ces périodes les tensions montent entre citoyens de différentes appartenances socio-politiques et même culturelles. Et ces tensions perdurent même après les élections et provoquent des micro-crises sociales qui elles à leur tour entraînent des soulèvements incontrôlables.''

As far as am concern,
I stand for a pacifique political transition in Cameroon
I stand for mutual Respect in politics areas
I stand for the force of arguments and ideas
I stand for Peace.🕊️🕊️🕊️

Alain Web-creator
8 mois depuis

--Lorsque le nom « Afrique » n’existait pas encore, on parlait, pour faire référence à des régions ce territoire, de Kathiopa, de terre d’Ethiopie, de terre de « Ham », terre de « Koush », terre de « Sheba », d’Alkebulan… D’après le célèbre historien Ibn Khaldoun , ces terres ont reçu le nom « IFRIQIYA » (Africa) après l’invasion d’un des rois arabes du Yemen, qui portait le nom « Ifriqos bin Qais bin Saifi », ce roi va s’emparer des terres du Nord (Magreb, etc.), et dès lors celles-ci porteront le nom se rapportant à lui, c’est-à-dire « Ifriqya » (Afrique). De plus, le célèbre explorateur Léon l’Africain, dit dans son livre cosmographia de affrica que le nom Afrique a été donné par Malek-Afriki, roi Sabéen, lorsqu’il envahit le nord de l’Afrique (Maghreb actuel).
--les Européens nous désignent par le mot Africains ayant pour origine le mot Ifriqiya, nom d’une tribu Berbère installée à l’époque romaine, entre la Tunisie et l’Algérie orientale.
-- Les Arabes nous désignent par le mot Soudan signifiant Noirs, et notre continent par AlKabulan signifiant Celui qui sait recevoir.
--Les Grecs nous désignaient par le mot Ethiopiens signifiant Visage Brûlé, et le mot Libye désignait notre continent (Hérodote, Histoire Il, 22 et Histoire IV 42).
--Le nom Afrique viendrait de l’Ouest par les Romains, qui utilisaient le nom Africa terra
« Terre des Afri » (pluriel, ou » Afer » au singulier) pour désigner le nord du continent, comme la province de l’Afrique avec pour capital Carthage, correspondant à l’actuel Tunisie.
--Les Afri étaient une tribu qui a habité en Afrique du Nord dans la région de Carthage. L’origine de Afer peut être raccordé à la langue afar des phéniciens, qui signifierait « poussière ». Mais une théorie de 1981 affirme que cela découlerait du mot Berbère ifri signifiant « grotte », en référence aux troglodytes (habitants de caverne).
--Quant aux Juifs, ils nous désignaient par le mot Koushim et notre continent par le mot Koush, du nom BaKouSou l’un de nos peuples du Nzadi (Jérémie 13 : 23 et Sophonie 3 : 10).
--Cependant, le chapitre 10 du livre de la Genèse en citant les trois continents connus dans l’Antiquité, nous révèle que l’ancien nom de notre continent était KaM , diminutif de KaMa.
--La racine du mot « KaMa » est omniprésente chez bon nombre de peuples d’Afrique centrale, d’Afrique de l’Ouest.
Cette racine héritée de nos ancêtres se rencontre dans les langues suivantes :
--Kem-bou signifiant en langue Peulh : Charbon de bois !
-- KaMa signifiant Noir en Copte,
--iKaMa signifiant Noirci en Mbochi,
--KaMi signifiant Brûlé en Bambara, KéMi signifiant Brûlé en Mandjakou,
--KheuM signifiant Brûlé en Wolof,
--Kim signifiant Brûlé en Mossi,
--KeMpou signifiant Noir en Vaï,
--KéMatou signifiant Complètement Brûlé en Mandjakou sont à rapprocher de l’égyptien KaMtou.
--Le mot égyptien KaMa représenté graphiquement par un morceau de bois brûlant (un charbon) dérive du radical KaLa signifiant également Charbon dans certaines de nos langues, à l’instar du Kongo, du Téké, du Zigoula, du Mbati, etc
--Mais le mot KaMa (KMT) est-il originaire de notre continent ?
Oui, car depuis l’apparition de l’écriture hiéroglyphique (3400 av. J. C), les anciens Egyptiens se désignaient par le mot KaMtou signifiant Noirs, car ils l’étaient. Par ailleurs, ils utilisaient le mot KaMi ou KeMet (KMT) signifiant Noire, non seulement pour désigner leur terre, mais aussi par extension notre continent. Soudan veut dire « terres des noirs » et Éthiopie signifie » visages brûles ».
--Le mot KaM figure également sur une inscription cananéenne datée du 10ème siècle av. J. C, et désigne notre continent (Stèle de Paraiba, au Brésil).


#africa #afro #history #histoire #NEGRO #independance #liberty #LIBERTE #freedom #noir #black #blackandwhite #afriquemonafrique
Alain Web-creator
9 mois depuis
Fredia "The Cheetah" Gibbs (born July 8, 1963), is an American former professional martial artist, kickboxer, and boxer who competed from 1975 to 2005. During her kickboxing career, she held ISKA, WKA, and WKF World ******* les. Before her kickboxing career, she was an All-American in basketball and track.

She is also a model and actress. Fredia has been featured on the Fresh Prince of Bel Aire with Will Smith. She was one of the women who was throwing Will Smith around in his nightmare. Her latest film is called Knockout."

Gibbs made history when she became the first African-American female Kickboxing ISKA World Champion. She earned the name "The Most Dangerous Woman in the World" after an upset in 1994 in her fight against World Champion Valérie Wiet-Henin of France in the "Battle of the Masters" Pay Per View Event in San Jose, California. She went on to become one of the most dominant champions of all time, and remains a significant historical figure in light and super lightweight kickboxing divisions. She competed from 1991 to 1997, amassing a record of 16 wins, 0 losses, and 15 KOs, and three world ******* les. She also competed as a top contender in women's professional boxing from 1997 to 2005 with a record of 9 wins, 2 losses, and 1 draw.

She wrote The Fredia Gibbs Story about her life in 2016

“Being bullied is such a terrifying experience, especially for a child,” Fredia said. “[We] are just trying to learn our identity and learn who we are; to be threatened and quartered by kids who are supposed to be your classmates, whom you help with homework, it was uncomfortable, ugly and very negative.”

As she ran home to escape her bullys, her uncle Dr. William Groce, met her at the door this last time. “Look, baby girl, you can’t continue to run all of your life. You’re going to have to learn how to stand firm and face your fear(s),” he advised.

Gibbs began her instruction in Jeet Kune Do/Aikido fight style at Quiet Storm Martial Arts School in Chester, Pennsylvania. She learned martial arts to rebuild her self confidence and self esteem, which suffered as a result of being bullied. She was trained with her Uncle Will and by a group of lethal martial artists, lawyers, judges, doctors, business leaders, and blue collar workers. Earning her black belt was the unorthodox result of throwing powerful jab combinations and mastering tactical takedowns to obtain the glittering key on the ground behind Groce, the only way out of The Storm.

“It was tough. It was difficult but, I got the key. I unlocked the door and walked out.”


In 1993, Gibbs martial arts training saved her life. She had lost her paycheck and bus fare in a game of Dominoes at a gathering in Inglewood, Calif. Strapped for cash, stranded and wanting to sleep in her bed instead of the couch she was offered, Gibbs accepted a ride from Lonnie Franklin Jr. after spending hours playing against him. She had no way of knowing her Domino opponent was California’s infamous Grim Sleeper, the serial killer responsible for murdering at least 100 Black women in South Central, displacing their bodies throughout Los Angeles circa 1985.

Now with him in his RV, something sinister in his sudden need for coffee awakened her intuition as he pulled into a secluded area. She refused to let him "violate" her. She tried to exit the passenger’s side door. The handle had been removed. When she scrambled for the van’s rear doors, she came face-to-face with a monster intent on violating, then adding her to his list of lifeless victims.

“He came charging at me like a football player...” She explained the aikido technique that uses an assailant’s clothing against them. “I tied his shirt over his head, pulled his pants down and grabbed his... so he couldn’t move,” demanding that he tell her where his keys were.

With her second key to freedom in hand, she told Grim, “When a "b" says, ‘No,’ she means, ‘No.'”

Gibbs was terrified and called her mom. She moved away from the Los Angeles area immediately.


In 1994, Gibbs’ meteoric brawling record warranted an invitation to compete in a pay-per-view International Sport and Karate Association (ISKA) match-up against Valerie Wiet-Henin, dubbed “The Most Dangerous Woman in the World.”

Wiet-Henin was a formidable opponent renowned for breaking jaws and bruising ribs, a million-dollar baby who did not scare Gibbs.

In the third round, Gibbs said, “My legs began to get weak.” Looking to The Hill from whence her help was to come, she cried out, “Oh God! You gotta help.”

Stitched-up, torn and tattered, she delivered a lethal kick followed by an overhand right to the back of Wiet-Henin’s head, knocking her out.

In addition to becoming “The Most Dangerous Woman,” Gibbs also became the only martial artist except Bruce Lee to have a combat statue dedicated in her honor.

Gibbs has been featured in Black Achievers, Black Belt, Delco Times, Inside Karate, Jet, Los Angeles Sentinel, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Sports Illustrated for Women, and Upscale Magazine.

Her fight gear is displayed at the Sports Legend of Delaware County Museum, dedicated to preserving the history and memory of Delaware County Sports Legends. She is an author, celebrity trainer, philanthropist, motivational speaker, and radio host. In 2016–2017 she was honored and participated in the Orange County Heritage Black History Parade and was nominated to attend the United State of Women summit hosted by the White House.

In 2016 #Gibbs was named one of the Top Ten Greatest African American Female Athletes of All time for Kickboxing.

In 2022, Cabrini University honored alumna Fredia Gibbs (ʼ19) during a statue dedication ceremony.
Twitbook 24 Social
1 année depuis
Mekatilili wa Menza 🇰🇪 was a prophetess and fearless warrior who led her people, the Giriama, to rèbel against Britiśh imperialism. Born in the 1860s, she is remembered for slapping a B.ritish colonial administrator after disagreement over their imperialist policies and attempts to subdue them.

Mekatilili wa Menza the Mother of resistance, a heroine from Kenya, who rebèlled and fought the colonial invàders. She once said " I am not afraid to speak the truth and fight for my people. My powers come from Kaya, rooted in the spirits of our ancestors"

She was a distinguished, vocal and fearless leader and defended the rights of her people the Giriama by putting up a resistance from the white invaders of their land.
She led the Giriama uprising against the Britišh còlonist. Who were stealing big fertile lands from the people, collecting taxes from the people and their banning of the local brew palm wine(mnazi).

Mekatilili used kifudu dance which was performed during funeral ceremonies to mobilize the people to resist the colonial government or offer forced labor. An oath taking was administered to her followers to bind them to fight for their community and for their lands.

The first time she was càptured by the white men and detained in kisii Kenya where she managed to find her way back home after five years and the struggle for freedom continued.

The second time she was captured and detained in Kismayu in Somali but she still managed to find her way back home and the struggle for liberation continued.

She died around 1925 and was buried at Bungale Ulaya Kwa Jele in Magarini constituency Malindi district. where a cultural festival was held in her honor.

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